My book: Thou Art Forgiven is now available in paperback and hardcover!
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Amazon (Available in: Hardcover, Paperback and Kindle)
Barnes and Noble (Available in: Hardcover, Paperback and NOOK Book)
Express yourself in the Light of controversy
Expresate a La Luz de la controversia
So happy to exclaim my first novel is here!!! It's called Thou Art Forgiven. It can be purchased at Amazon or Barnes and Noble presently and in other outlets in the near future. Please keep a lookout for my trailer of the book and it being formatted into a screenplay to be seen at a theater near you. I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves, be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Debemos ser sabios como serpeintes pero inofensivos como palomas. We have to fight in the spirit realm. Tenemos que luchar en el reino de los espiritus.