We are under attack!!!


Hurricane Helene, Hurricane Milton and let's not forget to mention Hurricane katrina that nearly wiped out the city of New Orleans. We are living in unprecedented times. There are wars and rumors of wars as the word of God says it will be in the last days. Our quality control is out the window. I took a survey some years back asking the question regarding Kraft foods. If I preferred if they cut back on the quality or quantity. It was a no brainer for me. I let them know quickly don't mess with the quality because if you do I won't buy it anymore. So when I go to the store and buy some kraft cheese slices they still taste the same as they did when I was kid even if there aren't as many slices as before and it cost a little bit more, but we are in danger. The quality control employees we had years ago are gone, retired or moved on to greener pastures. Now we have people in these positions who are cutting corners not caring about the safety of our consumers. How safe do you feel when you go to the grocery store? I have to take a second look at items I normally would just throw in the cart. Not anymore, we have to be very cautious now. Things have changed and not for the better. It's not by coincidence either. We are living in the last days. These are the beginning of sorrows. We have to Pray like never before. I always pray over my food but now it's imperative. We are at War and I mean literally. The masses don't see it because it hasn't hit home yet but it's coming. The US is preparing for something that the republic for which is stands is not prepared for. I have never had to fight a cough and cold like I have since Covid 19 hit the air. We are in trouble and God in the name of his only begotten Son Jesus Christ is our only solution. Our boarders are overrun by illegals and what's worse while the American Republic for which it stands is left to fend for ourselves while illegals can come over here and get enormous amounts of assistance. What is wrong with this picture? How did we get here? Charity is suppose to start at home and then spread abroad. My heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones in these natural disasters. Well Republic for which it stands take heart and watch as well as Pray. Check your labels and watch for discontinuation or product recalls. It's disturbing and we have to be aware because our very existence depends on it. God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Be vigilant my friends because our adversary walketh about like a roaring lion seeking whom he or she can devour. 





Let Faith Rise and Stand For God's Word!!!


Let your light so shine before Men that they may see your good works and Glorify the Father which is in Heaven. 


It's Heaven or Hell there is no middle wall of partition no purgatory. Either we will meet the Lord Jesus in Peace or in Judgement.



What are you believing for?

Everyone who has accomplished great things once believed they could achieve it. I'm sure they had obstacles along the way but they kept on pushing. Philippians 4:13 I Press towards the mark for the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 


Sometimes life will be a Press, but you can make it if you continue to move forward with a positive attitude. 




















I will use this one for instance. There was a sparrow that got caught in a storm trying to fly south for the winter, and what made matters worse a dog came by and pooped on top of him, so the bird was happy and warm under the poop and it started to sing and a hungry cat came by and started moving away the poop. The moral of the story is everyone that poops on you isn't your enemy and every one who comes to rescue you is not your friend so if you find yourself with poop on you learn to be content, work your way through it and keep your big mouth shut. Hahahaha Hahahaha I laughed until I cried when I heard that. It's so much like life. 

Everything we go through isn't going to feel good and in some instances it will be down right stinky but don't complain. Take it with stride and allow God to order your steps because eventually if you stay the course you will come out victorious. Even poop can be washed off.  

This is from the Movie Assassins October 6, 1995. Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas with their fine selves and Ms. Julianne More. 

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