
Innovative Concepts are Coming!!!!


I am so excited for the new innovative idea that is being developed as we speak. Find a need and fill it. I have always loved that saying. It's so true. If you are an investor or know of someone who would be interested in investing in a creative concept that has the potential to assist Men, Woman and children from all corners of the globe. Give me a call and we can go from there. I have been motivated by inventors of old. Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the Telephone. Thomas Edison, the Light bulb. Nikola Tesla and Benjamin Franklin.

Video of my sister in Christ and friend using a public restroom to demonstrate how Snatch A Seat will be utilized for the masses. Male and Female alike. 


Raychelle Irby

This is my link for my video for Snatch a Seat, there will be more to come. Remember you could be three feet from gold and not even know it. So keep digging.

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